Therefore I believe it is my duty to recommend the upstairs bar at the Mitchells Brewery, complete with a bar, tables, waiter service and multiple big screen TV’s as one of the best places in the V&A waterfront to watch a game of any sort. The food is also more than acceptable here, but this is further enhanced by the fact that this bar appears to the only non-smoking pub in Cape Town, which made our viewing and eating pleasure that much more enjoyable.
I can also thoroughly recommend the local 90 Shillings beer which after 6 pints or more, renders coherent speech and logical thought irrelevant, and improves the appreciation of just about everything, even the football. I think Yates could also wax lyrical about the quality of the local Castle Larger as he managed to put quite a few away during the 5 hours we were holed up in the pub. I could have stayed for the final game, but the general opinion was that we should head back to the apartment before we got messy...
The Germany v Australia game was a bit of a disaster especially if you are an Australian fan or you were looking forward to watching Tim Cahill at this tournament. More worryingly, the Germans have now announced their presence at this World Cup by rolling straight through the opposition like a re-run of their invasion of Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1939. An ominous sign....
MMmmmm Mitchels...
ReplyDeleteWell, the results of the games so far have certainly been interesting. NZ game tonight of which the results will be most interesting.
Annelize is over there and brother-in-law has a cop buddy, says there is a huge number of burglaries at all guest houses, hotels and flats. They target and hit mostly while the matches are on with a good certainty that if the room is quiet there is no home watching the game.
Jimmy the doors and make off with anything they can find but are targeting passports, electronic gear, cell phones and of course match tickets as well.
They (cops and media) have a a ban on local reporting of all of this so there will not be much about it on the news or in the papers. Seem to be prolific around the outer suburbs hitting the tourist accomodations but also apparently the hotels & flats within the city itself.
They are advising to keep the telly/radio on in the room/flat if you go out.
Just letting you know as I was specifically told to tell you to take care.
Anyways - get back to your drinking you old goat!
Hey - I believe you would have had a taste of the (in)famous Cape Doctor today?
ReplyDeleteSo called because it blows away the smog, winter ills and other nasties beside bowling you over at times. Many shipwrecks round the peninsula were the result of the galeforce Souwesterlies that at times can howl down Adderly Str tipping trucks over and lifting unsuspecting pedestrians off their feet
Thanks for the tip Mark, can't be too safe...
ReplyDeleteYeah the last night in Cape Town was as cold & wet as any in New Zealand, but at least we had a few goals to warm us up.
We have left Cape Town now, but really enjoyed our time there, especially when the sun shone. I would recommend it to anyone for a great place to visit.
We are now in the cold north... More tales to come :-)
Sad tales most likely with such a poor showing by England...
ReplyDeleteWith England & US now both on two points no doubt there is some game betting going on in your camp between yourself & Yates ???
Hey man - that was "IT"
Cape Town is the ONLY civilzed part of South Africa! LOL
Natal - Nah, bunch of stuck up ponsie pommies, Orange Free State - bunch of rednecks! (was probably where you guys got stuck on the train too, somewhere near "Bloemfontein" ?
Gauteng - surely the a-hole of Southern Africa!!
Southern Cape - the "Eden" of SA - GO CAPE TOWN !!!